“And in the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter and the sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.” Gibran

My brief but memorable stay in one of Koh Chang’s hidden wonders deserves its own post as it was able to create a personal bond, something many of the star hotels I have stayed in before have been unable to do.The words of Gibran reflect the feel and essence of Oasis, a secluded family run specialty lodging.
I found Oasis through Tripadvisor, and requested a booking using their website through a simple email. No deposit was required and the confirmation was prompt. D day arrived and with no rain on our way, we landed in Koh Chang in record time just after noon via the minibus and ferry ride from Bangkok.
A good hour later I was dropped off on the main road in Lonely Beach village. Google maps showed the resort a few hundred meters away.

So I asked the minivan driver on why he couldn’t get me to the door. He replied that the van can’t manage the incline which was a bit of a worry as anything horse power can’t do should be difficult for manpower too. A quick telephone call and Floris, one of the owners came down on his scooty to help me with the luggage.
An effortless check in, and minutes later I was in my cottage.

My bungalow was a few feet from the restaurant, with windows on three sides and the 4th side leading to the shower. There was a veranda with some seating just outside the cottage making it perfect for my coffee breaks.

Gave the bed a quick try, found it to be cosy and made a quick check if any monkeys or other wild life were perched on top of the nature shower.
The central area acts as a diner, bar and lounge common for all residents and visitors. The decor is simple with a homely feel, woody flooring, comfy seating and a view of the sea in the distance.

The place runs a self-service, at your honor system. Basically you pick whatever you need or order and write it down on the individual bills laid out on the bar. Seemed a bit strange at first but a very practical system as you can help yourself at any time.

After the initial familiarising I returned back to my room for a quick shower, yes it is a bit humid and three showers a day in my opinion would be the norm for an active person. I had somehow skipped my lunch due to over snacking on the minibus and on the ferry. So around 4 pm I walked up back to the main lounge only to be welcomed by ‘Duke’, the owners Alsatian.

A few pats later I was enjoying the first of many thirst quenching sweet coconuts. They re-hydrate you and are a much better option than guzzling beers or cola’s in these humid environs.
I enjoyed a quiet supper at the restaurant chatting with some of the service staff who were inquisitive to my background and travel plans. The first day at any new place I generally order something my stomach is familiar with. So I chose Chicken Cashewnut with sticky rice. The portions were good, flavors authentic and the sunset view priceless.

Tank full, I decided to retire for a few hours of beauty sleep, and was back to the lounge later that night for some drinks. Met some very nice folks from different parts of Europe. There were the serial backpackers, Tomas pictured below and his buddy from France. The English and Irish rose who appeared too pretty to be school teachers from Sisaket. I cant recollect their names nor did I get any pics but they could be either Sarah, Nicole, Emma or Hayley.
The people I met that night became my activity buddies for the duration of my stay. After a hearty meal and a couple of rounds we started planning for the late night festivities.

The first night being a Friday, we went off to the famous beach party at the Siam Hut followed by more bar hopping at Ting Tong’s and Hummel. We were trekking back the brief incline at around 4 am and were surprised to find one of their canines, ‘Diesel’ waiting to escort us all the way back to our rooms. I crashed into my bed only to be woken by some scratching sound at the door a few minutes later. I turned on the light, peeping through the window first and then with great courage opening the door. It was poor old ‘Diesel’ again who had made himself comfortable at my door step. Great ! I had my own private security guard on vigil.

I woke up pretty late in the morning and after a good portion of pancakes did a mini tour of the Oasis compound. The place was abuzz with sounds of nature and I could even hear the gentle sound of a stream nearby.
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The place has a very earthen feel to it with deep red flooring, and all sorts of vegetation surrounding you.
It was Saturday, the barbecue night which I signed up for instantly. I watched the sunset from another resort that evening right by the sea returning in time for the gala feast.

It was great way of getting all the people in the resort together. People from other resorts nearby had also joined up. Better for us, as we had a bigger gang to go out with later that night.

We had a great time and made merry well past midnight.

Then we headed to Hummel and Ting Tongs (yes ! again). Diesel escorted us half way to Hummel bar, what a party animal and we started to worry if he would get lost. Luckily for us he didn’t, as we found him second night in a row escorting us back uphill.
The third day I toured the island and some of the other nearby beaches at Bailan. It rained briefly that evening and I took shelter at the Magic Mushroom on the main road.

Settled for the tofu pasta and sampled some foreign beers enjoying our last sunset from the Oasis.

The group mutually decided to chill out at the bar, exhausted from the two previous nights of partying .

The Frenchman, Tomas didn’t even believe I had a transfer next morning and promised to wake up on time to say good bye, which he didn’t, no issues brother.

Here is Jonas from Sweden, ever so busy with his novel who was spending the next 3 months on the road, brother if you read this post please do get in touch.

The next morning, I had to leave before the restaurant opens. Marieke arranged for me a mini breakfast and coffee, to get me going. I did a quick prayer in the shrine in the compound and bid farewell.

Back at home I reflected on the time spent at the Oasis, the people I had met and the moments we had shared. It is one such place, that attracts a friendly type of crowd, an environment where you are free to lounge alone or join up with others to share your travel experiences. A place where a sole traveler like me found like minded company, that leaving felt like a burden. The food is excellent and the off season pricing made staying in the deluxe cottage an absolute steal. I would also wish to thank the hosts Marieke and Floris for their kindness and patience.

Going through my travel memorabilia, I glanced at a postcard which Floris had handed out to me casually during my stay. The card read at the bottom, ‘ Sleep, Eat, Drink and Relax’: a mantra for an easy life. I felt sorry for Julia Roberts, she went to Bali for her film, she missed this one.
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