Category Archives: Photo Comics

Breakfast Wars

Each morning at my home in Delhi, my father fills the tray with grains, bread crumbs and other goodies. Over the years, this spot in our garden has become the hangout for many visitors.  Some of them lie in wait from daybreak,  and can be seen queuing for their share.

This photo comic is my take on one of those mornings.

Predator spreads terror in Japan

Its Thursday, weekend is here. Time for some fun, with a home made photo comic.

Hellllooo, I am Predator.

Predator, Japan, Comics














If you don’t know me, I have done one super-hit film with Arnie and his bunch of cronies in a jungle and the 3 other (not so great followups). Keep watching  your body as you are the next in line for my  trademark triangular laser mark .

Predator, Japan, Comics

Ahaa, Japan, I have a lot of  fans are here. Oh My .. a family dressed in traditional attire. Let me play 20 Questions with them and test their knowledge on the Predator anthology.


predator japan film comics














Hmm this one answered all the ones correctly including the toughest one, who is superior Alien or Predator. Let me take her under my wing, and save $$ on a tour guide.