Siem Reap Tour Guide

I shot my Travel Guide

I despise travel itineraries, I hate packaged holidays, I avoid group tours, so why on earth did I get involved with a travel guide whom I ended up shooting later.

I had a good idea of how I wanted my trip to shape up and getting a guide was one of the steps to maximise the brief time I had in Siem Reap by touring smartly and getting to hear some local stories in comprehensible English. I was staying at the Siem Reap Hostel, more on that later as it is a venue worth a dedicated post. I had left a note at the tour desk and they had told me that the guide will meet me later that night. My first afternoon was spent at the less majestic and much less crowded temples of the Roluos group. We got back a bit after sunset, I got some rest, showered and came down to the bar for the happy hour. My guide, Aen joined me a bit later, and I shared my expectations with him. He suggested a site for the next morning and the rest we will plan as we go along. I confirmed the fees, 30 US dollars for him and 25 US dollars for the tuk-tuk for a full day of touring. He left me soon after, and urged me to rest as well for the day ahead.
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I spent two good days with Aen, his English was satisfactory but the knowledge of the temple relief was unfortunately was text bookish. With my Hindu background, I had a better understanding of the stories and the myths associated with the deities of the Angkor temples. The one thing which did impress me though, he learnt how to work my Nikon DSLR very fast and went out of his way to take my pictures. I had to thank him for that effort, so I shot him in return.

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