Dutch Pedal Crafts

The Massachuesusetts Male Aging Study has found that the supplementation of this herb for three months has substantially improved erectile abilities in men. generic viagra price try to find out more Herbs like Katuki (Picrorrhiza kurro), Vidang (Embelia ribes), Amalvetas (Garcinia viagra generic cialis cambogia), Triphala are useful in Type II diabetes because they open up the channels and helps in reducing the insulin resistance. This is where we can see metabolism as a “harmonizer” that brings together two critical bodily functions that would otherwise be at odds with each viagra effects women other. Another common risk factor of canadian online viagra penile fracture is prolonged erection.

Rock God Visits our Island Eric Clapton at Arad Fort

Every year we look forward to the announcement of the Spring of Culture, a seven week celebration of arts in its various forms. The rumor of Eric Clapton coming to Bahrain started in January, it was only question of the date, the venue and the pricing.

The programme was finally announced and the tickets were sold out in a mere hour reinstating the demand for quality entertainment on the island. The evening arrived, and we left home a good hour and a half early, which was a good move as there were only six priceless spaces  left in the parking opposite  amongst heavy police presence.

Continue reading Rock God Visits our Island Eric Clapton at Arad Fort

A Tribute to my Childhood Hero – Tintin

I got many gifts as a child, many of them disappeared like my favorite Monopoly set by Parkers Brothers, the push button pencil boxes and my sticker collection. One of the things which did remain intact is my collection of the 23 Tintin comics.

Prisoners of the Sun

They were collected in random order, with the first one being Prisoners of the Sun.

Continue reading A Tribute to my Childhood Hero – Tintin

Race Control – Insiders Tour of the Bahrain Formula 1 Circuit

Hello and welcome to Bahrain International Circuit, the home of motor sports in the middle east. By the way, we also host a Formula 1 race. Apologies for the direct marketing, that was a rip off from their website, now I can continue with my story.

A trip to Sakhir, is something which I always enjoy. Whether there is a race on or not; just being there is a treat for your senses.  You might have seen many action packed pictures of the circuit before. Today’s pictorial is different as it was shot on one of the normal days with nobody except the staff around.

Continue reading Race Control – Insiders Tour of the Bahrain Formula 1 Circuit

Sleep, Eat, Drink and Relax: The Mantra Julia missed !

“And in the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter and the sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.” Gibran

Oasis Koh Chang
Flora Abound

My brief but memorable stay in one of Koh Chang’s hidden wonders deserves its own post as it was able to create a personal bond, something many of the star hotels I have stayed in before have been unable to do.The words of Gibran reflect the feel and essence of  Oasis, a secluded family run specialty lodging.

Continue reading Sleep, Eat, Drink and Relax: The Mantra Julia missed !