Eric Clapton Live Bahrain

Rock God Visits our Island Eric Clapton at Arad Fort

Every year we look forward to the announcement of the Spring of Culture, a seven week celebration of arts in its various forms. The rumor of Eric Clapton coming to Bahrain started in January, it was only question of the date, the venue and the pricing.

The programme was finally announced and the tickets were sold out in a mere hour reinstating the demand for quality entertainment on the island. The evening arrived, and we left home a good hour and a half early, which was a good move as there were only six priceless spaces  left in the parking opposite  amongst heavy police presence.

We got into the queue along with the masses, my usual trick of smuggling the camera in a ladies bag failed. Bad luck ! they were not allowing any, so it was small walk back to the car. Jumped the queue the second time in and took my seat in the slowly filling rock boat.

At 8:45 pm, the band took to the stage. Where was the big man I thought, how long more did we have to wait for his grand entry. The person adjacent pointed to a demure figure dressed in jeans and a simple maroon t-shirt. I had not even registered his image that Slowhands started off with his first number.

Eric Clapton Live Bahrain

He has certainly aged, but unlike other stars there is no dancing around or frivolous showmanship. The entertainment is in the act: his voice, his mastery on the guitar and the energy of his band members.

Eric Clapton Live Bahrain

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After the electric beginning, he switched to the acoustic guitar. There was complete silence in the venue, the crowd anticipating what he would play next. And when he did play they stayed quiet, you could hear only the guitar,  and watch in amazement his hands gliding effortlessly from note to note on the big monitor .

Eric Clapton Live Bahrain

Each time he ended the guitar solo,  there was thunderous applause from the packed audience.

Eric Clapton Live Bahrain

In a concert lasting a good two hours, the legend spoke a mere 30 words, which included 20 thank you’s. The concert ended, the lights dimmed out, but the crowd didn’t move, shouts of Eric ! Eric ! echoed.

The legend was back for one last number, this time it was over for sure.  He walked off stage with a  simple bow and left the audience with a memory of a lifetime.

Eric Clapton Live Bahrain

 He played all his hits except Cocaine, but why ? that’s a subject of debate for coffee tables and wine sessions for the coming few weeks. Only if you said yes to “were you there ? oh my god it was brilliant.”

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