Bahrain National Museum

A Quiet Afternoon at the Bahrain National Museum

How many times has this happened with you ?

  • You visit a museum and end up spending an entire day inside,
  •  you walk so much that your feet tire, you have to make detailed plans to get through the top 30 artifacts,
  • the museum halls echo of hundreds of tourists talking and footsteps.

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None of the above will happen here. This a cute and compact museum primarily designed to educate you about local customs, traditions and has artifacts from the island and near the GCC region.

It has around 5 distinct sections my favorite being the local customs one which features life size figurines and gives detailed notes on each customs such as child birth, schooling, marriage, etc. Followed by the Dilmun area which is the real old stuff and the burial mounds.


Let  highlight the positives, it has a nominal entry fee for any museum I have visited (1 dinar, about 2.7 dollars) which we sometimes don’t end up paying due to an extra kind person on the ticket counter. 

  • Very reasonable gift shop.
  • Plenty of parking and no ques to line up.
  • No issues with cameras, so take plenty of pictures.

The negatives, at times the place can be deserted. And as previously reported, the coffee shop could be closed. No curator or attendants staff available in case you want more information. 

The ground floor has a mega size satellite map of Bahrain printed on the floor. Whenever we go, we always do childish things like standing on our house, or following the path from home to office by walking on the roads. Believe me its real fun … For first time visitors would be nice to walk from the museum to your hotel.

The coffee shop being closed is hardly an issue. Just carry a small water bottle in your bag, and something you can munch quietly without littering or offending others.

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