Siem Reap, I Will Be Back

Four days will not be enough, I murmured, sipping a beer at the Siem Reap Hostel after my first day of exploring .  Ticking off what I had covered on an enlarged map printed from “Ancient Angkor” by Michael Freeman, one of the definitive resources on Khmer civilization. Pdf copies of them are available on the net, and is an interesting read if you are into history and culture. Don’t bother buying it before hand, you can pick it up for 5 dollars from any road side seller.

Continue reading Siem Reap, I Will Be Back

Music for the Soul – Some Moments from the Bahrain Heritage Festival

Hello again,

Hope you have all recovered from the extended May Day weekend and the horrible sandstorm which nearly spoiled it. In my last post, we had visited this years Bahrain Heritage Festival,  where  the weaving traditions of the island which were on display. Continue reading Music for the Soul – Some Moments from the Bahrain Heritage Festival

Weaving Colors – At the Bahrain Heritage Festival

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