Siem Reap, I Will Be Back

Four days will not be enough, I murmured, sipping a beer at the Siem Reap Hostel after my first day of exploring .  Ticking off what I had covered on an enlarged map printed from “Ancient Angkor” by Michael Freeman, one of the definitive resources on Khmer civilization. Pdf copies of them are available on the net, and is an interesting read if you are into history and culture. Don’t bother buying it before hand, you can pick it up for 5 dollars from any road side seller.

The map illustrated to me how vast the complex was, an attempt to cover it all would be exhausting. It was mid October and still quite humid, I chose the period just after the rainy season and before the cooler tourist season for my trip. And it was still quite busy, making we wonder what peak season rush would be like.

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Sharing travel experiences fellow backpackers, some who had been on the road for more than a month made me reflect on the lost years, the years I was static,  dedicated to academics and to building a career. I decided to take it slow, and made it very clear to my tuk-tuk guide that we will cover things at leisure. A three-day pass for 40 $, required for entry into the sites within the complex will suffice.

Templing in the day, followed by dancing in the night gave me tired feet and dreamless sleep. Like a flash, the 4 days were gone and it was time to head eastward to Phnom Penh, the capital. My heart feebly asking my brain, when I will be back here again ?

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