Category Archives: BAHRAIN

Music for the Soul – Some Moments from the Bahrain Heritage Festival

Hello again,

Hope you have all recovered from the extended May Day weekend and the horrible sandstorm which nearly spoiled it. In my last post, we had visited this years Bahrain Heritage Festival,  where  the weaving traditions of the island which were on display. Continue reading Music for the Soul – Some Moments from the Bahrain Heritage Festival

Weaving Colors – At the Bahrain Heritage Festival

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A Quiet Afternoon at the Bahrain National Museum

How many times has this happened with you ?

  • You visit a museum and end up spending an entire day inside,
  •  you walk so much that your feet tire, you have to make detailed plans to get through the top 30 artifacts,
  • the museum halls echo of hundreds of tourists talking and footsteps.

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Continue reading A Quiet Afternoon at the Bahrain National Museum

Afrojack Live at the Bahrain Grand Prix

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Scorpions Live at the Bahrain Grand Prix

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