Our eyes observe scenes in daily life.

Our inner thoughts and emotions interpret the visuals.

We capture a moment, adding imagination and context.

We develop this singular moment in time into a photograph.

With the passage of time, 

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the camera becomes a natural extension of our eyes –

a medium to express, communicate and share.

I owe a big part of my professional standing to the efforts and sacrifice made by my parents, teachers, and the blessings of God.

The artist in me, clapped, cheered and welcomed the benefits that came with a steady work life. The benefits of having time, resources and freedom allowed me to experiment and develop my talents into an art, rather than a means of making a living.

Each picture in my journey has been a step towards fulfilling a purely creative pursuit. Artists have the choice and responsibility about how they treat and depict a subject.

Some portray reality, some fantasy, and many others, the vast space in between. My work is set in the real world. It is about my experiences with my surroundings. In a way, these pictures are my comments on life – they are my Lifeommentary !

One thought on “EVOLUTION”

  1. a confession first….it has been many many years since i have logged in. somehow on an impulse when an alert from LinkedIN landed in my mailbox with your blog on Santorini wine, decided to check out your Lifeommentary……was amazed to read through most of your blogs…each blog is a brilliant piece…..just keep ’em coming…..way to go bro !!!

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