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Bhailoni – The Door to Door Singing Troupes of Darjeeling

In Darjeeling like most of India, the festival of Diwali is celebrated with great fervour and enthusiasm. Apart from the crackers, exchange of sweets and visiting friends and family, the  Nepalese have one more unique custom.  A custom, in which they welcome strangers into their homes, largely the younger lot who eagerly await this day for months.

The first evening of Diwali is known as “Bhailoni”, where groups of girls walk from door to door singing traditional songs, dancing and blessing the family members of the homes they visit. In return for the showers of blessings, the head lady of the house gives them money and some food at times.

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This age-old tradition of forming groups and visiting houses has been kept alive to this day. The lit Diya or earthen oil lamp kept outside the houses signifies an invitation to the goddess of wealth, Lakshmi.