Tag Archives: light painting

A figure in the Darkness – First Attempt at Light Painting

A few weeks ago, me and some of my fellow photo club members headed to the desert to try our hand  at light painting.  We parked near the first oil well in Sakhir, there were a few other visitors around at 6pm who had come to visit the site as a tourist attraction. As the sunset, the last of the visitors left, after who wants to be lost in this part of town at night.

The first Oil Well Twilight Zone

We walked around a bit looking for a place, a bit isolated to avoid curious passers by being attracted by the light and adequately shielded from stray light from the distant oil fields. Finding the spot of our choice, we tried some test shots with our minimal equipment, LED torches and phones.

Test Succesfull

Test Run
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Everyone in the crew wanted to have a go with their ideas, from painting their name, famous landmarks to lighting up silhouettes.

Made my heart Flutter Bogey Man in Technicolor

You can try this creative technique as well. All you need is a tripod, Digital camera with shutter priority, some LED torches, flashlight, a dark spot and bundles of energy. Hoping to hear your experiences on this, bye for now.

Rainbow Sine

Circled out