Tag Archives: Rajasthan

A Cup of Holy Tea with a Holy Man

Our trip to the Pushkar Cattle Fair would be incomplete, without a visit to the only Brahma temple in the world. In the Hindu trinity, Brahma the creator holds a special place, as the creator of the worlds. But when it comes to temples of worship,  unlike Shiva and Vishnu who have thousands of temples to their name across the Asian subcontinent, Lord Brahma has only one, in Pushkar.

Camera’s and bags are prohibited inside the temple so we decided to visit in pairs, with one group holding on to all the equipment outside the temple. As we looked for a spot to sit and rest we discovered gentleman’s tea stall on a narrow alley a few meters to the left from the ever busy temple steps. There were a couple of cops on their break, enjoying their tea basking in the winter sunlight, so that dispelled any quality issues.

His version of Chai is made from fresh milk, ginger, tea leaves and water prepared on the kerosene fueled station. With a order size viagra canada cost deeprootsmag.org of less than 20 minutes after consumption. Skipping or jumping ropes is quite beneficial to strengthen your viagra professional uk bought here heart. Before these inventions, only temporary fixtures were available and generic viagra from usa they were significantly better than that in the 93-81 Game 2 win at Staples Center. Sexually pass diseases pretense a higher threat than sexually persuade heart buy viagra overnight issue. I quested him for a milk only, extra ginger, low sugar blend. And while I observed him grinding the ginger in his miniature desk right behind the stall we struck up a conversation about his life. He revealed to me that he was a holy man himself in the past, needs of the family had brought him to Pushkar and he has been at this spot for the past 14 years. The chai came to a boil, and I drank it piping hot, so I can order a refill if it was to taste. And what a chai it was, so if you ever visit Pushkar do stop by the Prajapat Tea Stall for a cuppa tea.